It’s All Corbyn’s Fault

From Brexit to Trump.

The pound in a slump.

It’s all Corbyn’s fault.

From low polls to twitter trolls.

Three million on the dole.

It’s all Corbyn’s fault.

From Turkish coups to May’s shoes.

The fake news.

It’s all Corbyn’s fault.

From Red Tories to false Syria stories.

England’s failed Glories.

It’s all Corbyn’s fault!

The banking crash, Brown’s hash.

A lack of cash.

It’s all Corbyn’s fault.

The lack of democracy a plutocracy.

Life is a mockery.

It’s all Corbyn’s fault.

Now get it right, use your sight,

Our plight.

Isn’t Corbyn’s fault.



Let’s Bash Corbyn!

Antisemetism has to be seen.

In Labour it’s so obscene.

Chuka and the Tory right.

Confirm this with delight.


Empirical evidence is not needed.

Although the report must be heeded.

We the Right will conclude.

The emperor is not in the nude.


Ruth Smeeth will say it’s a fact.

As for Israel she will act.

Chakra shall be ignored.

Although evidence has been floored.


A report of no worth or note.

The MSM will endlessly quote.

Islamaphobia shall be mute.

On this narrative it doesn’t suit.


All about a good kicking.

Lies still not sticking.

Members are fools of sin.

Have to put the boot in.


In age where truth is the enemy.

All negatives are about Jeremy.

The game is open season.

To attack hope, justice and reason.


So suck in the lies and hate.

The right take food off your plate.

Heads down and on with the grind.

Democracy is a state of their mind!


Corbyn under attack.

Stabbed in the back.

Media flak,

staying on track.

Cockerel Benn

Eagle the hen.

At it again.

Now as then.

Populous outraged.

Democracy caged.

All staged.

PR people paged.

Onto a loser.

Corbyn a bruiser.

Hobson’s the chooser.

Owen a boozer.

Panic stays.

Coup has its days.

Farcical plays.

Now as always.

Stand with the man.

They had no plan.

Jobs vacant to scan.

Losers to a man.




As the Right and Right get in a fight,

Corbyn doesn’t sleep well at night.

EU-in and EU-out doesn’t take away the doubt.


Recession on and recession off depending on which Toff.

Either way, the economy is going to be off.

How can we know, without the light of truth’s glow?


Better-in and better-out either way we have no clout.

TTIP on the way if we dare to stay.

Yet leaving allows Human Rights to say goodnight.


EU-dead in all but name. Plutocrats to blame.

Make the vote and take a note.

We have a fight for wrong and right!


Attack Corbyn at any cost,

to the ends of democracy lost.

Attack the man for being nice,

in hateful Britain it wont cut ice.


Attack a leader democratically elected.

Not like Cameron, nod and wink selected.

Attack an obvious anti-racist,

pretend he’s an anti-Semite, a true Fascist.


Attack the messenger of all that’s true,

as if there is nothing better to do.

Attack the populace for voting for him.

As if, in the political pool, they’re allowed to swim.


Attack democracy by saying he can never be PM,

although his appeal is greater then all before him.

Attack, attack and attack some more.

For the rich make the rules, and never the poor.


As another Jihadi John rants at the screen,

and perverse politicians call him obscene.

Saudi Arabia beheads forty seven,

because of laws directed from heaven.


Cameron deplores executions and opposition,

whilst drone justice contradicts his position.

Benn declares war on rationality and law,

gunghoing, the right wing to outscore.


Eight planes in the skies of a foreign land,

bombing an enemy they don’t understand.

As a five-year-old boy hates kafirs he says,

standing in the sunburnt desert haze.


Soon to be deceased with all below,

as legalised murderers do what they know.

Hellfire missiles with accuracy will rein,

killing innocents and guilty with equal disdain.


Men in their towers of glass and of steel,

counting the profits of another arms deal.

While the good and the true are berated and mocked,

the gates to hades are finally unlocked.





You wouldn’t spend more than you had?

Austerity is the catch,

with poverty to dispatch.

You can’tspend more than you have,

says the cocaine sniffing, Etonian chav.

The masses think they agree,

not one with an economics degree.

Stopping scroungers is the lie,

attacking the so called hoi polloi.

Yet the facts state the opposite is true.

The housing bubble being the clue.

When Government cuts back,

we turn on the wrong tack.

The economy is on the mend?

Not so my friend.

Growth in debt is not a boon,

collapse is coming soon.

Baltic Dry is on the floor,

fewer goods landing on shore.

Prices dropping as products shrink,

hyper-inflation hidden in this fink.

Pension pots soon to be raped,

as 2008 is about to be aped.

Too big to fail was the fear induced;

even bigger now, still not traduced.

In one year’s time collapse will come.

For austerity is not the one.

11 million for greed elected,

Who will now be severely affected

The cuts to welfare are not for good.

As punishing the poor creates bad blood.

The rich will have another hike,

as the workers lose the right to strike.

Yet the fools will rob you blind.

For not being of there kind.

Watch the cogwheels grind to a halt.

As the Tories say it’s Labour’s fault.

Why Did I?

There are no excuses that I can use,

that change the dynamic that has abused.

Words are what they were and are.

But still you have to bear the scar.

My apologies can never repair the pain,

even if I reiterate again and again.

I know that this is all my doing,

although I seem to be suffering the ruin.

If there is hope and things can be,

in vanity I pray you can see.

But such things are for the naive that fail.

Here lies the fool and his foolish tale.

Is It Election Time.

Baby’s kissed,

promises missed.

Inane smiles.

Charm beguiles.

Hand shakes,

professional fakes.

Suited bods.

Ignorant sods.

Ticked box.

Devious fox.

Same tosh.

Under cosh.

Pockets picked.

Democracy licked.

Money off.

Wealthy scoff.

Mortgage up.

broken cup.

Poverty high.

Baby cry.

No kiss.

How remiss.

Another five.

Demolished hive.

Around again.

Then the same.

It Was

I live this life,

not through choice,

nor from desire,

but fate.

I absorb the time,

until not mine,

waiting an end,

deceased state.

I am not morose,

imbibe my dose,

euphoria never comes,

this way.

I become as one,

with those long gone,

inevitability is but so,

bye bye I say.

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